Assistance with learning FrenchVerb conjugations: An online reference for verb conjugations
Visual French dictionnary: For some of those oddball words that we don't use often WordReference: an excellent online dictionary which provides many examples of the word you have looked up Acapela Box: A website which allows you to type in a word or a full sentence and get the proper pronunciation Food unitAux Anciens Canadiens: French restaurant found in Quebec city.
Fun stuffPixton: A website where you can create your own comic strips
Quizlet: A website where you can create study flash cards for various grammar aspects in French. **Mme Zakus has created an account for Quizlet! Search for MmeAZakus and you'll see all the sets that I've created, as well as sets that I've favorited. Create your own account and favorite my sets to make it easier to find them again. Prezi: Tired of using PowerPoint? Try this great presentation tool! |